Flyere tipar fata

Rated 0 out of 5

From 0,00lei

8900 in stock
SKU: FP0002-1

Flyere tipar digital policromie, pe hârtii albe, lucioase sau mate


8900 in stock

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- +   - +   mm
Width: min 40 - max 70
Height: min 80 - max 120
Invalid value
Detalii print
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24 ore
19 Feb
3 zile
21 Feb
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{{field.title}} : {{field.value_name}}
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Cărţile de vizită sunt un instrument clasic de marketing prin care poţi fi contactat de oricare potenţial client. Realizăm cărţi le de vizită în diferite formate, tipuri de carton, imprimate în general digital la care pot fi adaugate o serie de opţiuni cum ar fi plastifiere şi colţuri rotunjite.

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 6 × 4 cm

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Pliante color

From 0,00lei

Pliante color, pe hârtii lucioase sau mate, diferite modalități de pliere • Be sure to include your name, title and contact info • For readability, don’t go any smaller than 10-point font • Have some white space to make your design less cluttered Beautiful, consistent colors. Vistaprint just received the G7 Master Qualification, a certification for the highest accuracy, consistency and quality of full-color printing.

Softcover Trade Book

54,00lei 34,00lei

Sophisticated and elegant free softcover trade book mockup designed to make a great clean presentation of the design of your trade books, in this mockup you just have to edit one smart object to customize the entire cover, is really easy to use.

Cărţi de vizită 90x50mm OFERTA


Cărți de vizită alb-negru/policromie, fata sau fata/verso diverse finisari • Be sure to include your name, title and contact info • For readability, don’t go any smaller than 10-point font • Have some white space to make your design less cluttered Beautiful, consistent colors. Vistaprint just received the G7 Master Qualification, a certification for the highest accuracy, consistency and quality of full-color printing.

Tiny Square Card

85,00lei 80,00lei

Vinyl stickers are one of the most powerful marketing tools, because you can reach your customers anywhere, anytime. Vinyl stickers are perfect for promoting your business or website, advertising your new product or service, or even livening up your shopping bag, takeout boxes or other marketing materials. Our custom printed vinyl stickers are produced on top-of-the-line printing presses that undergo daily color calibration, ensuring you receive the best possible product at an unbelievable price. We use only the best vinyl stick paper stock with great adhesion on various surfaces, making our vinyl stickers versatile, durable and useful in any application.

Sharp Contrast


There’s very little more authoritative than simplicity – and yet, using a simple black and white graphic and a classic cursive font

Solid Color Layer

54,00lei 12,00lei

Additionally, we’ve added an “Solid Color Layer” that allows quickly customize the background color preserving the stage’s natural shadows, also you can crop the canvas in order to get a better and interesting point of view as we show in the preview of this mockup